The following is a list of the some of the many features and benefits of a Gunite swimming pool constructed by Shoemaker Pools:
- Flexible design for shapes and features related to the pool.
- Experienced excavators who are capable of assuring suitable soil condition in regard to bearing capacity.
- 6″ gravel bed under the concrete floor.
- 6″ thick Gunite (not Shotcrete) wall featuring minimum 1/2″ rebar on 10″ center.
- 6″ thick pool floor consisting of 4000 psi concrete and same steel schedule as walls
- Frostproof 6″ x 6″ swimming pool tile selected from our samples.
- Frost proof 3″ x 3″ bull nose tile to border the front of the step area to create a clean plaster edge on step treads.
- Commercial series high-rate sand filter.
- Side mount multiport valve to control functions of filter.
- Swimming pool pumps specially designed to limit noise production.
- Commercial series waterline skimmers.
- Stainless steel lintel to bridge space over mouth of skimmer opening, providing strong surface for coping material to attach on top of.
- Minimum two 12″ x 12″ main drains with grates.
- Dedicated plumbing lines run to each main drain individually.
- Dedicated plumbing lines run to each return individually.
- Dedicated plumbing lines run to each skimmer individually.
- 2″ Schedule 40 PVC plumbing to all suction lines (main drain & skimmer).
- 2″ Schedule 40 PVC plumbing to all return lines.
- Equalizer lines for skimmers to maintain suction in cases of low water volume in pool.
- Directional jet fittings for return lines.
- Automatic cleaner line is run to pool with option to customer to add the automatic cleaner during construction or at some future time.
- Backwash line is stubbed out 10′ from equipment pad.
- Plumbing lines are valved individually for exact control by customer.
- Spare plumbing lines run during initial construction to facilitate simplified repair if needed in the future.
- Redundant pressure testing of the plumbing lines to confirm their integrity after various phases of construction. This is to ensure that another trade (i.e. gas plumber, sprinkler installer, deck installer) has not damaged our plumbing lines.
- Two 500-watt light fixtures.
- Custom color powder coated handrails, color chosen from samples.